Tuesday, October 21, 2014

inshaaAllah how to manage your result and discussion?

this is a great advice from Norazah Abdul Aziz. just wanna share it with all of you.
:) hope it helps!

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb Ungku Azmi,
Just thought I should keep to my promise before I leave the Uni and walk home
2 weeks ago, I was struggling with structuring the flow of reporting my findings because I have too much data (66 items/questionnaire and 350 respondents) and the constructs to my survey instrument was not tightly grouped together. As a result, I had to reword my sub-research questions and pull apart my questionnaire and report the findings based on relevance to my research questions and the theory I was using to inform my study. Alhamdulillah, it’s all looking much better now
What I wanted to share was, in order to organize my thoughts and work, my supervisor suggested that prior to writing,
  1. List out my research questions
  2. Summarize the purpose and aim of my questionnaire
  3. What are the dimensions in the questionnaire
  4. What are the main findings
  5. Which RQ does it answer
  6. What do the findings mean – can be theoretically grounded or just a hunch/gut feeling
and submit a 2-3 page report of all of the above. It took me just a day to come out with the report but the result of this reorganizing my thoughts and writing a summarized version of the findings chapter helped tremendously in the planning and structuring of the actual full chapter. It was like building a framework and once the framework is solid, you just need to pluck and put in the relevant data and analysis. In addition to that, the 3 page report I submitted made it so much easier for me to finalize my interview questions so I can tease out in-depth information that was either unanswered through the questionnaire or additional information to triangulate my findings and make it richer.
Anyway, that’s my experience and I just thought that if I shared it with you and you had your own experience to add on to it, it’ll be a good post for your blog . I've shared it recently with a couple of Malaysian friends (DSG member and ex-member ) studying here and they found it useful too.
Anyway, if it is useful, by all means, make full use of it, if not, I'm fine with the idea that I have share it with a fellow PhDian
May Allah's help and blessings be upon us and other PhDians we know out there, aameen.
Best regards, Azah

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